"Lifetarianism is the only morally consistent diet & lifestyle out there, ok?"
-Jacob the Lifetarian

Jacob the Lifetarian is the leading figurehead of the Lifetarian movement. Lifetarianism of course is more than just a diet; it is a LIFEstyle. The main premise of Lifetarianism is: Do not eat or kill anything that was EVER alive. No meat. No plants.
So then what do Lifetarians eat? Well, they can consume water, eggs, dairy, and they get their minerals directly from the dirt (no murdering the middle-man plant).

The entire Lifetarian Creed can be found below:

  1. Take no life i.e. Human, Animal, or Plant.
  2. Eat no life i.e. Human, Animal, or Plant.
  3. Wear only non-life fabrics.
  4. Cut your hair and nails with forgiveness, gratitude, and respect.
  5. Masturbate only without climax. Sex only for procreation.

Jacob has been fighting to spread Lifetarianism to the masses ever since high school when he initially became a Lifetarian. He can be found on YouTube, Facebook, and local bars/clubs performing Lifetarian awareness. Jacob is available for hire and media appearances. All you need to know about Lifetarianism as well as Jacob's riveting, emotional life story can be read in his new book "Life of a Lifetarian" available here.